Podcast: Dr Steve Harris

Podcast: Rise of the Warrior Leader – Mental Toughness to master your mind

Dr Steve Harris is a successful business man, an academic, a world champion sportsman, a former mind coach for the Springboks (national rugby team) and World Championship level lifesaving. This background spawned a book on mental toughness, based on the outcomes of his Phd thesis and more importantly goes beyond his scientific truths delving into what leaders in the field and authors claim about mental toughness and how you can master your mind.

Steve’s research indicated that mental toughness can provide you with a unique and sustainable competitive advantage. This is complemented by the fact that neuropsychologists agree we are instinctively competitive.

Podcast: Chris Voysey

Podcast: Rise of the Warrior Leader – Voice Power

Claudio speaks with Voice Coach, Chris Voysey, who shares his insights into the importance of voice in delivering your message.

You are using words all the time. Interview, article, telephone call, post, chairing a meeting, report, presentation, speech, asking for a raise! Are you aware of how you come across and what impact you are having with your voice and your words?

Chris is a Communication Skills Coach with a background in theatre, advertising writing and marketing. Words are my thing. He helps create the words you want to use and then provide you with tips as to how to present them – written or spoken.

Chris offers a highly entertaining keynote called The ART & SCIENCE of Successful Communication! and very engaging GYM for the VOICE! workshops helping you up your self-communication and presentation skills!

Chris is a highly-skilled and experienced writer and can help you formulate your own presentations and articles. For information, visit his website at www.chrisvoysey.com

Podcast: Claudio Chiste

Podcast: Rise of the Warrior Leader – Episode 1

In the minefield of leadership literature available today, this podcast provides clarity, adding fresh and unique insights to critical leadership skills and resilience. The host, Claudio Chiste, draws upon his own unique experience from an unforgiving environment, forged from his military and international corporate background.

If you want to be an effective leader and are willing to transform both yourself and your people, take this inner journey of self-reflection and discover practical tools to improve your personal and professional life.

This podcast explores what it means to be a Warrior Leader through the lens of the world’s most resilient, empathetic, inspirational, innovative, courageous leaders and people of influence. The NEW challenges brought about in these VUCA times requires a NEW approach. In his new book, Rise of the Warrior Leader, the host introduces a newly coined term, Ownership-driven Leadership.

This is to inspire Ownership for you to:

Own who you are. Own the mission. Own the result.